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  • Listed on the Acquis Exchange.
  • Earn an ROI from year one of operation.
  • Converts at 25% discount on shares.

This investment is reserved for suitable investors as defined below

Current theme park visitors want a lot more than a grainy picture to remember theirmost thrilling moments. They demand high-quality videos with real-time experiences that are ready to be shared on their favorite social media feeds. We have that technology!

  • There are over 6000 roller coasters in operation today.
  • Theme parks will require this technology if they wish to keep up with the expectations of Generation Z and modern park guests.
  • The Souvenir Imaging Market in Theme Parks generates over $1 billion annually.
  • There are over 6 billion users on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, and over a billion videos are watched on TikTok daily.

Why does our technology represent such a huge opportunity ?

Disclaimer: Any person accessing the email and considering potential investment opportunities featured on the email should make their own commercial assessment after seeking the advice of an appropriately authorised or regulated financial advisor. This email should not be construed as advice or a personal recommendation to any prospective investor. Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital and can go up or down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Suitable only for sophisticated or high net worth investors. This opportunity is only suitable for high net worth or self-sophisticated investors as defined below. Either; have an annual income in excess of £100K have net assets in excess of £250K beyond your pension fund assets and your private residence. You have been a director of a company turning over at least £1 million within the last two years. You have made more than one investment in an unlisted company in the last two years. You have been a member of a network or syndicate of business angels for at least six months. You have worked in the past two years in a professional capacity in the private equity sector or in the provision of finance for small and medium enterprises.